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Uses Digital Tools to Collaborate with Other Educational Professionals to Support Student Learning


     At the end of my Content Reading and Assessment course, I was given an assignment to complete a digital portfolio. This digital portfolio was separate and different from the assignment to build the portfolio that you are now reading. For the Content Reading and Assessment assignment, I was to include multiple elements from the course as well as capture the time I had spent tutoring a student that semester. I was to use a platform called Live Binders, which I was unfamiliar with. The project was not only intimidating, but it was sure to be a lot of work.

     My professor gave us the due date, the website, and the requirements. I was to include a table of contents, seven lessons, three lesson reflections, a literacy practicum paper, the student's assessments, and a student reading interests inventory. I hopped onto the new platform and found that it was difficult and unintuitive to navigate at first. I had to do the suggested tutorial, practice creating tabs and pages, and contact my professor more than once for suggestions, before starting on my actual project. I began to realize that if I didn't put my nose to the grindstone, this project would not get finished. I also began to realize that this would be an important resource not only for the student I had been tutoring all semester but also for her parents. By my professor's May 22nd due date, I had not only completed the project, but I had also learned a bit about collaborating with colleagues and discovering new websites and platforms.


     There are a number of skills and strategies I gained from my Live Binder Digital Portfolio assignment. First, I learned to hold to important due dates. I also learned a bit more about problem-solving; there was a lot of troubleshooting and trial and error in this project. There are a few practical technology skills I gained from this experience as well. I learned how to convert Word files into PDFs and vice versa. I learned how to link my phone and computer, and how to transfer and upload photos and infographics. I also learned how to appropriately share stored online information with my student and my student's parents. My hope is that the binder gave my student's mom and dad an accurate picture of their child's reading capabilities and that it was a resource that empowered my student toward more learning. Additionally, this project helped me not only to network with people who needed to see the binder but also to receive feedback from my professor in order to improve.

*In order to protect the information of the student I tutored, I cannot share the binder link and password here. There is a screenshot below of the administration page for my live binder.

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