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Connects Personal Technological Capabilities to ISTE Educator Standards


     Over the past four years, I have completed many projects that have used various platforms and websites. When it comes to technology, my strengths are in my comfort with new interfaces, and my willingness to learn new programs in order to benefit my students. 

     Several of the projects I have worked on can be found in the college work and lesson plans sections of this portfolio. I have worked on Google Docs, Slides, and uploaded videos to Google Drive. I have used Zoom, Google Meet, and various social media platforms. Additionally, I have familiarity with Adobe Spark, Jamboard, Remind, Screencast-o-matic, and Flipgrid. Finally, I am fluent in conducting research online, and I will be able to guide my students in this area, directing them to platforms like Wonderopolis, National Geographic Kids, and Kidtopia. I have given a link below to a video I did as an assignment for my Writing Workshop class. I have also given links to two Google Slide presentations on Astronomy and the very important topics of Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy.

     My weaknesses in technology lie in the area of time management and healthy habits. There are certain seasons in which I have spent too much time on social media sites. Additionally, I have often given in to the addictive nature of social media. While I have managed to maintain the good habit of not being on social media while working, I have wasted other hours of my life scrolling through a newsfeed. I have encountered people who seemed to be looking only for a fight, and who could've used a reminder of good digital citizenship. I have also experienced a certain level of discontent that seems to come with social media usage. While I believe social media is a tool that can be used for good and can even benefit the classroom, I also believe its usage must be carefully managed.


     My goals in the area of technological growth are threefold, and my plan for attaining these goals is simple. I aim to continue to maintain comfort with and fluency in the various programs and websites that benefit my teaching practice. I want to continue to be willing to learn new technology tools for instructional purposes. Finally, I aim to continue to manage social media, rather than have it manage me, and to continue to approach these platforms with an interpretive lens. My plan for this growth includes attending PDs that address remote teaching. I plan to become a member of professional educational organizations where the virtual classroom and online teaching tools are a focus. I am a life-long learner, and I plan to stay open to and seek out technological advancements that build my teaching practice and student learning.    

     My experiences with numerous platforms and websites, with communications technology, and with the concepts of Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy equip me for facilitating learning that uses and sometimes takes place over technology. It equips me for responsible and resourceful use of the internet as a learner, leader, citizen, collaborator, designer, facilitator, and analyst. It equips me for facilitating high-quality learning that uses the internet to the fullest extent, as well as for empowering students to meet ISTE Standards for Students.

Digital Citizenship and Literacy Presentation

Asteroids and Comets Presentation

The Text Structure of Problem and Solution in Informational Writing (Sample Lesson Video)

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