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Midterm Essay Rubric

     Below is a rubric I helped to create for my midterm essay exam in my Foundations and Assessments course. We were charged with writing an essay question that would later be used in our midterm. We also had to create a rubric for this question, though it would not be used to assess the exam. One of the things I learned from my Foundations and Assessments course is that rubrics should be tied to learning targets; they should directly assess the students' comprehension of the concepts and topics covered under that learning target. In addition to creating rubrics for my lessons in previous classes, I also had the opportunity to create a rubric for this class several times throughout the semester.

Describe the concept of differentiated instruction in a classroom or in developing a lesson. Give three examples of ways to differentiate instruction to engage three students of different ability levels in your class. (This could be within one lesson or could be in three different lessons.)



4 - Proficient - Provides three examples and three different ability levels. Each example gives details of how they will engage the students.

3 - Acceptable - Provides three examples at three ability levels. Lacks in-depth detail.

2 - Developing - Provides two or fewer examples. Mostly lacks sufficient detail. Provides two or fewer different ability levels.

1 - Unacceptable - Provides one or fewer examples. Provides minimal detail. Provides only one ability level.

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