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Uses Technology to Create, Adapt, and Personalize Learning Experiences That Accommodate Learner Differences and Needs


     During the Fall semester of 2020, in a placement for my Foundations and Assessment course, I was asked to teach a writing lesson by my cooperating teacher. This would be my first experience teaching a Writing lesson online through Zoom. It would focus on the writing process, and more specifically, the process of revising informational pieces of writing.

     As I began the exercise of designing the lesson, I was able to use my training and imagination to design two graphics involving the writing process and revising tips. These graphics were created on Google Docs. I was then able to share these docs to Google Classroom so that they would be accessible to the students and my cooperating teacher. I wrote the lesson notes and printed them out for myself. Additionally, I was able to cue up the Heinemann video as well as the live Art class link that the students were to attend in the middle of their writing lesson. I also asked my cooperating teacher for a few minutes of her time during a morning break in order to find out how the writing lessons had gone during the week, and if I needed to be in tune to any specific student needs. Finally, the learner-driven lesson was ready; the graphics were available in Google Classroom and my plan for breakout rooms in Zoom was crafted.

     The lesson began by sharing the video with the students, and it continued by reviewing the writing process as well as revising tips with the students. I then reiterated their assignment for the day and asked the students to develop a writing plan. The students were to set their own goals for the writing session. I also asked the students to bring up the visuals representing the writing process and revising tips on their screen to help them develop a plan for meeting their own writing goals. At this point in the lesson, I sent students into breakout rooms. I then toggled around to their various breakout rooms to conference with them about their writing, clarify any ambiguities, and adjust the assignment for gifted students and students with special needs.


     Through this experience, I was able to use my imagination to develop a lesson that used technology to personalize learning. I constructed learning tools that augmented the instruction as well as students' independent practice. I was also able to help students develop goals for their writing, conference with them, and provide a path for meeting those goals. I created a lesson that challenged students in the area of revising their writing. Lastly, I was able to design an engaging, differentiated lesson that strengthened learners' skills and built up areas of weakness. 

me teaching 1.png

Teaching Reading in person, Winter, 2021.

Download Writing Lesson, Writing Tips and Writing Process Graphic

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